
WMJ総合プロデューサー / シンガー
仙台出身・バグダッド(イラク)・ アブダビ(アラブ首長国連邦)で美しい色彩や悠久の歴史からくる文化、グローバルな人種・宗教観に包まれて育つ。外資系通信・金融機関にて、営業、マネージメント職など15年以上勤務するかたわら、みずからもシンガーとして2000年より活動し、東京ビルボードからニューヨークのアポロシアターまで幅広く出演。それまでに培った豊かな人脈や経験を総合してプロデュース活動も手がけ、2016年より開催している『和 Meets JAZZ』では、異なる文化に架け橋をかけて新しい価値観を創造し、平和の輪を広げていくことを信念としている。

WMJ Chief Producer / Singer
Born in Sendai, Grew up in Baghdad (Iraq), Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), where surrounded with beautiful culture coming from eternal history, along with a global race / religion.Worked for sales and management positions at international organization, including a singing career for over 15 years since 2000 from Tokyo Billboard to the Apollo Theater in New York.At this “WA-Meets-JAZZ" festival started since 2016, she works as a chief producer to make various “bridges” between different cultures to create a new sense of values to expand the circle of peace.

Arimasa Yuki

ジャズピアニスト / WMJ総合音楽ディレクター

Jazz Pianist / WMJ Chief Music Director
Started Jazz music self-taught as when he first listened to Jazz at the age of 10.
As his passion grows, he went to Berklee College of Music to receive formal training in Jazz.
After graduating he taught Jazz Piano at Berklee for 8 years.
This experience of teaching students from all over the world gave him a perspective in Jazz education, so he continues to carry into his current activities in Senzoku College of Music as a professor.
In 2016, he founded, "Artist Green", an organization to become a communicational, educational platform for musicians from all over the world.
【Official Website】http://www.yukiarimasa.com

Geila Zilkha

同年に自身初となるソロアルバム『all Me』をリリースし、ジャズ専門誌を始め一般紙や新聞でも大きく取り上げられた。
その後も、2011年にセカンドアルバム『appearance』、2013年に【SOLO-DUO ギラ・ジルカ&矢幅歩】としてミニアルバム『breathing』、サードアルバム『Day Dreaming』をリリース。ジャズにパワー溢れるソウルフルなエッセンスを加えたヴォーカルは聴く人を楽しく癒す。
現在、歌の指導を精神面からリードする「Vocal Workshop Live」を展開中。洗足学園音楽大学でジャズ・ヴォーカルの講師も務めている。

Jazz Singer
Born and raised in Kobe to an Israeli father and Japanese mother, Geila attended the international school Canadian Academy from kindergarten through high school and is fluent in both English and Japanese.
Also a graduate from Berklee. In 2010, she earned the Grand-Prix title for the annual Kobe Jazz Vocal Queen Contest. In October of the same year, she released her first solo album, all Me, which surprisingly became a megahit among jazz audiences.
Her soulful essense added to her jazz voicing surely ease all audiences.
Currently, Geila provides singing workshops which delovep from mental aspect, and also teaches jazz vocals at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music on a regular basis.
【Official Website】http://www.geilajazz.com

Kaleb James

ミュージシャンのいる家庭環境を持ち、10代の頃からプロのキーボード奏者/ボーカリストとして活躍し、Lenny Kravitz、 Nathan East、 Larry Calton、 Macy Gray、 Oliver 数多くの有名アーティストと共演する経験を持つ。
Kaleb はアジアにおいてもSMAP、Coco Lee、AI、Misia、AK-69、トータス松本等、有名アーティストと共演している。
自身のRock/Soul/Jazz band、Dark Matterの“Everything Matters”が最新アルバムとなっている。

Kaleb was born and raised in Queens, New York. He began performing professionally in his early teens and since, has performed as keyboardist and/or vocalist for a diverse list of artists, including: Lenny Kravitz, Nathan East, LarryCarlton, Macy Gray, Oliver Lake, Judith Hill, Fred Wesley and the JB’s and Elisha LaVerne.
Kaleb has also performed with Asian superstars, such as J-pop idols SMAP, R&B diva Coco Lee, R&B queen Ai, popstar Misia, hip hop artist AK-69 and rock/ pop singer Tortoise Matsumoto, etc. Kaleb's latest original composition album is with his rock/soul/jazz band Dark Matter entitled, “Everything Matters”.

Saori Kanda

踊絵師 / アートディレクター
幼い頃、バグダッド ( イラク ) とドバイ ( アラブ首長国連邦 ) にて育ち 世界のうつくしさと共に日本への憧憬を強烈に体験する。
”LIFE PAINTING” と銘打たれたアートパフォーマンスでは、躯全部で音楽の波を感じとり大画面を踊る様に描き上げる。
近年は NISSAN カレンダーアートワークをはじめ、FUJIROCK 出演、VIVIENNETAM コラボドレスを VOGUE Nightにて発表、Dragon Ash [ Lily ] MV 出演、与論島満月のアートイベント「月酔祭」オーガナイズ、香港&台湾&カザフスタンでの個展、アメリカの野外ステージ [RED ROCKS] にて伝説的サイケデリックアーティスト Shpongle とのセッション、中之条ビエンナーレ参加作家として四万温泉天井画制作など多岐に渡る創作活動を行う。

Life Painting Artist / Art Director
She grew up in Baghdad (Iraq ) and in Dubai (UAE) in her childhood.
This experience gave her a great opportunity to see the beauty of the world as well as a strong sense of longing for Japan.
"LIFE PAINTING" is her form of ART.
She uses her entire body to feel the waves of music and draw her unique piece of art on a large screen while she dances. She breathes a life into the screen. Her work grows and becomes lled with freewheeling spirits by experiencing the cycle of destruction and rebirth. Offers come from all over the world.
She won the Award for A'DESIGN AWRD (Milan Italy)Graphics and Visual Communication Design w/ NISSAN Calendar artworks, performances at FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL, RED ROCKS(U.S.A) w/SHPONGLE, art performance on Japanese famous Rockband"Dragon Ash" music video “Lily”, Fashion corroboration w/VIVIENNETAM&gold sign by Adriano Goldshmied.
Life Paint tour all over the world, and her latestbeatiful works, the ceiling paint for the Spa in SHIMA Hot Spring as an artist of NAKANOJO ART BIENNALE.
【Official Website】http://saorian.com


鹿児島 天文館で両親が26年間続けてきたジャズライブハウス「 ジャズスポット リレット」を引き継ぎ、現在家族で運営、ボーカル&ピアノを担当している。
2014 鹿児島県 本場大島紬クイーン

Born in Kagoshima Prefecture, Jazz Singer, Acting mainly as a singer-songwriter by playing piano, in Tokyo, Kobe, Kyushu. Taking over the jazz live house "Jazz Spot Lileth" from her parents in Kagoshima Tenmonkan with more than 26 years of history, currently managed by the family, and is in charge of vocals & pianos. In 2014, she won the Kagoshima-ken Ohshima Tsumugi Queen. Also working as a radio DJ, event choreographer, CM narration etc. Produced a duet "Ogojo-zu(おごじょ〜ず)" to sing Japanese famous songs in Kagoshima dialect, In order to deliver the charm of Kagoshima inside and outside the prefecture, she is singing by dressing herself up with "Oshima Tsumugi" Kimono.
【Official Website】http://jazzspotlileth.com

Kamari Maeda

1973年福井県生まれ。東京学芸大学 書道科卒業 後、独立書家として歩む。
Softbank「志高く」JAXA「こうのとり」Jリーグ 「絶対突破」、重要文化財 旧小坂邸襖書「花鳥 風月」など多数の作品を手がける一方、国宝 彦根城などでのライブパフォーマンスをはじめNY、台湾など国内外にて展開している。
また未来へ日本文化を継いでいく活動として全国15カ所で書道塾「継未-TUGUMI-」を主催。600 名を超える生徒へ日々書を通じた内観することの 重要性を伝えている。

Born in Fukui Prefecture in 1973. After graduating from calligraphy department of Tokyo Gakugei University, he started his carrier as an independent caliigrapher.
His outstanding works are seen at Softbank "kokorozashi takaku"「志高く」, JAXA "kounotori"「こうのとり」, JLEAGUE "zettai toppa"「絶対突破」, Old Kosaka House (the important cultural property)'s sliding door drawing "kachou fugetsu"「花鳥風月」and the live performances at Hikone Castle(the national treasure), New York, Taiwan and more.
He also organizes 15 calligraphy schools called "継未 - TUGUMI -" all over Japan. It conveys the importance of self-observation through calligraphy to over 600 students.
【Official Website】http://www.maeda-kamari.com

BUGAKU - Koshiro Minamoto

■ 武楽(Bugaku)とは

■ 「武楽座」代表 : 源 光士郎 プロフィール
人間国宝 大倉正之助師と一対一で演じ高い評価を得た「日伊国交150周年記念オペラガラコンサート」オープニングセレモニーや、増上寺徳川家康公400回忌奉納演武、震災復興支援イベントのほか、各地の寺社や能楽堂、「フジロックフェスティバル2009」等に出演。

■ BUGAKU(武楽) <Martial Arts × Traditional Samurai Sprit>
Based on the theme of "Beauty of Samurai" is to combine the old martial arts and the samurai culture such as Noh and tea ceremony, as well as Japanese instruments like "biwa", Japanese drums etc.. It is a dynamic and stylish culture with innovation and originality based on a certain Japanese tradition.

■ 「BUGAKUZA(武楽座」Representative : Koshiro Minamoto
Founder of "Bugaku". In 2016 "Higashikuninomiya Cultural Award" (Cultural Contribution), 2017 "Higashikuninomiya Memorial Prize" (Intellectual Creation) received.
Outstanding presence at the opening ceremony "Japan-Italy Diplomatic Memorial 150th Anniversary Opera Gala Concert" which gained a high reputation together with the human national treasure Shonosuke Okura, the Tokugawa Ieyasu 400th anniversary performance at Zojoji, the earthquake disaster recovery support events, and "Fuji Rock Festival 2009", etc.
His activity reaches out to the world, including the "Japan Film Festival" at the World Heritage Florence in Santa Croce, including Paris, London, Rome, Berlin, Brussels, Jerusalem, Shanghai, Taiwan and Brazil, which disseminate "beautiful strength" and "peaceful mind of harmony" toward the world.

【Official Website】http://www.bugaku.net/

Tomonao Hara

1996年の初単独リーダー作『Evidence for My Music 』以来、多数のアルバムを発表。その他数多くの作品に参加する。現在、国内外のジャズ・シーンで活躍中。
最新リーダー・アルバムは、原朋直カルテット『Color As It Is』(Gaumy jam Records 2015年)

Musician, jazz trumpeter, composer, educator
1990s, worked at the forefront of a major movement by young musicians in Japan jazz world. Since his first single leader album in 1996, "Evidence for My Music", published a number of albums, and participated in many other projects.Currently, active in the jazz scene in Japan and overseas.
In addition, actively appears in the TV show "Jonetsu Tairiku", opening theme song of NHK-BS "World News"..., the activities in the wide fields.
Works with top international artists, as well as many jazz festivals in the U.S., Europe, and Asia. His latest leader album, Tomonao Hara Quartet "Color As It Is" (Gaumy jam Records 2015 years) Professor, Senzoku Gakuen College of Music
【Official Website】http://tomonaohara.com

Doodlebug's Big Band

学生時代、「自分達が好きな音楽を演奏するために、自分達でビッグバンドを結成してしまおう」 の一言をきっかけに、ピアニストでリーダーでもある上浪瑳耶香を中心に、 洗足学園音楽大学出身のメンバーで結成されたバンド。

Doodlebug's Big Band&Bug's Brass Band is comprised of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music graduates. Composed by themselves, and instructed by Yuki Arimasa, the Jazz Pianist.
Many presence at Charity concerts, Jazz Festivals, and currently working on their own live performance.

Fuchu Junior Jazz School


The Jazz School for the junior generation by the guidance of professional teachers like a Jazz clarinet player, Eiji Taniguchi.
Based in Fuchu area, touching a real jazz, and providing a class to learn with lots of fun.
You can learn various instruments, i.e. trumpet, trombone, saxophone, clarinet, bass, piano, drums etc.
In addition to the normal lessons, lectures, public lessons, Fuchu Youth Music Festival (regular classes only), JAZZinFUCHU, graduation concert, etc., through participation in various events, they provide tips of making fun and achievements of music all over.


The Global Families


The Global Families (TGF) is a Non-profit organization that provides opportunities for families with young children in Japan to get connected to each other.
【Official Website】http://www.theglobalfamilies.com

Yuka Ishikawa

裏千家茶道 準教授・石川宗佳
粋香流日本舞踊 師範・粋香麗桃

Japanese tea master, Urasen-ke Associate Professor, Suikou-ryu Nihonbuyo(Classical Japanese dance) master Hosting SADO(tea ceremony)workshop, and performing Classical Japanese dance mainly in Tokyo with the theme of [Extreme Nature] which consists of Japanese Culture.
【Official Website】http://ameblo.jp/yuka-barance-and-beauty/

Asami Sakaki's Botanical Lavolatory


Founded SAKAKI ASAMI SHOKUBUTSU KENKYUJO(SAKAKI ASAMI's Botanical Lavolatory) in 2016.
Her activities contribute to deliver the charm of plants through Learning, Decorating, Presenting, Giving and Exploring plants.
【Official Website】http://sakakiasami.com

Yuko Akiyama


MEDAA, Dress brand by YUKO AKIYAMA.
First interested in flat “kimono” cloth transforming into three dimensional clothes, learned haute couture technology at vocational school, then launched own brand.
Releasing new works at many exhibitions and fashion shows, and actively providing costumes to commercials and magazines.
At WMJ2017, featuring her dresses and accessories using kimono as an exhibition.
【Official Website】http://www.medaa.net

Meihou Maruyama

浅草生まれ 生粋の江戸っ子。浅草にて、花を生業とし、明治創業の㈱花恭4代目。
1992年草月流入門。第95回 草月いけばな展新人賞受賞。現在一級師範。

IKEBANA Artist, Business Owner
Born as an "Edo-kko" in Asakusa. The 4th owner of the family business in flower, Hanakyo, since Meiji era in Asakusa.
Entered "Sogetsu-ryu" in 1992. Received the Rookie of the Year Award at the 95th Sogetsu Ikebana Exhibition.
Currently the primary instructor.
In order to broaden the charm of flower arrangement, a traditional culture of Japan, he actively join exhibitions, installations and the flower activities.
【Official Website】http://www.hanakyou.com/

Soryo Matsumura

裏千家茶道准教授 茶道教室SHUHALLY代表
過去掲載メディア NHK、TV民放各社、J-WAVE、TED×、婦人画報等多数。

Souryou Matsumura
Born 1975. Associate Professor, Urasenke Tea Ceremony School, Japan
Founder/Owner, Shuhally Tea room and school, Yokohama, Japan
Education: University of Wales, MBA
While a college student abroad, Souryou Matsumura came to the realization that despite being Japanese, he did not know enough about the very culture he came from. Upon his return to Japan, Matsumura delved into the study and practice of Chanoyu (The Way of Tea) with the Urasenke school, where he is now an Associate Professor.
Matsumura’s Chanoyu activities have become the focus of attention in Japan and internationally due to his collaborations with many contemporary performers and artists. Matsumura has appeared on numerous radio and TV shows promoting the way of tea for a new generation, most notable was his TED x Tokyo
performance where he performed tea preparation using implements created by contemporary artists, set to the infectious rhythms of his beat boxer and DJ collaborators. His opening remarks reflected his overall impetus for his actitivities- “I have a dream. That is to attract the young generation to be interested in the way of tea, once again.”
Along with founding and owning SHUHALLY Tea Room and school in Yokohama, Japan, Matsumura also designs and creates tools for tea ceremony and chashitsu tea rooms.
Activity – Souryou Matsumura introduces chanoyu, way of tea, along with Noh Farce, Japanese Kimono, wagashi (Japanese sweets), and Pottery. Bunsaian (Tea room) produced by Matsumura awarded Good Design in 2010.
Shuhally - meanings
守 - Shu - The Fundamentals
破 - Ha - Breaking of tradition
離 - Lly - Parting with Traditional wisdom
【Official Website】https://shuhally.jp

Atsuko Takao

京都市生まれ。京都市立音楽高等学校を経て英国王立音楽院に留学、首席卒業。在籍中、音楽院からの全額奨学金で渡仏。フランス ヴィラクローズの弦楽カルテットマスタークラスにてアルバンベルグカルテット、イザイカルテットのメンバーにレッスンを受ける。

Violinist Atsuko Takao
‘’Atsuko Takao is a unique violinist who attracts rising attention as a player of high-frequency healing music created from a sense of oneness with the universe.’’

Atsuko Takao was born in Kyoto in 1987. In 2010, she graduated BMus from the Royal Academy of Music with the first class honors. In 2011, she was awarded the Kyoto Mayor Prize in the Kyoto Music Festival. Since then, she has appeared in some of the prestigious venues in Kyoto such as Arashiyama Horinji Temple (DK-Live), Tofukuji Temple, and Kyoto Concert Hall. After her graduation of the Royal Academy of Music (Master of Music) in 2013, she moved back to Japan and stated developing her career in the whole country especially Tokyo and Kyoto. From 2014, she has been loaned the Stradivarius 1694. Since then, she has developed her cultural exchange project in European music and Japanese culture. In 2015, she led a series of workshop concert ‘Music Blossom’. She has been broadcasted by Radio Kyoto San-jo Café along with the release of her acclaimed debut DVD&CD ‘Healing Music from Kyoto’. In 2016, she published her second DVD&CD‘Stradivarius with Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto’. In the summer of 2016, she made a success in a memorial concert for Zeami (the Originator of Noh) in Sado Island.
【Official Website】http://atsuko-heart-concert.com

Masahiro Aoki

ユキ・アリマサ氏にジャズ奏法研究を師事。有田 純弘氏にブルーグラスマンドリンを師事。2015年洗足学園音楽大学ジャズ科を卒業。

Based in Kawagoe, Accordionist. Researcher.
Born in 1992.12.1. Familiar with art through paintings from childhood.
Studied jazz performance research from Yuki Arimasa, also about a bluegrass mandolin from Yuhiro Arita. Graduated from Jazz Department of Senzoku Gakuen College of Music in 2015.
Currently, he develops various collaborative and independent projects that emphasize jazz & world music, improvisation, especially self-presents "world music yoo-soloo's", "trio le Manque " and "yorozuya". He is also a bass player of the Hawaiian band, Ho'āla. Kawagoe 's music festival (matsuri-bayashi), Aoi-bayashi member. For study of South American music, now in preparation of travelling to Argentina - Paris.
【Official Website】http://www.maccordion.tokyo

Kazumi Okiyama


大日本茶道学会 教授
装道礼法着物学院 教授
一葉式いけ花 教授
日本セイシリランカ協力基金 理事

茶道 大日本茶道学会として、スリランカのお寺で日本人として初のお点前でお茶を献上。以来、日本国の恩人でもあるスリランカ国に関わるボランティア活動の協力基金設立。
日本文化のお茶や着物の着付けで、国内外の人や子ども達 とも“共に楽しみ”和を広げる事をモットーとしている。
活動 ボランティア: 在日スリランカ人と現地スリランカ会補佐

Japanese Tea Master
Professor of Japan Association of the Tea Ceremony, Tokyo
Director of Japan Sri Lanka Cooperation Found
Professor of kimono-wearing school, Tokyo
Professor of Japanese flower arrangement school, Tokyo

Worked for Japanese companies until the age of 65. She became the first Japanese, as a member of Japan Association of the Tea Ceremony, to host Japanese tea ceremony at a temple in Sri Lanka.
Since then, she has been involved in volunteer activities related to Sri Lanka, and established the Cooperation Fund associated with her activities. Her motto is to enjoy and promote Japanese culture, such as Japanese tea ceremony and kimono-wearing, together with people overseas and children.
Volunteer activities: The assistant of the community for Sri Lankan residing in both Japan and Sri Lanka.

アジア招待アーティスト/Asia Guest Artists
Lee Peng Lim (Pf.)


Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Started playing the electone/organ under YAMAHA Music School since 4 years old. She was the champion of the pop and jazz category in Roland Piano Festival in 2012 and also the finalist of Malaysian Jazz Piano Festival 2016.After graduated from Universiti Putra Malaysia with a Bachelor Degree of Music (Jazz Performance) in 2014, she started her career as a performer and teacher in KL.
Recently, she just formed a jazz band called JSY, mainly on her own compositions, and rearrangement of the oldies and pop song.
She likes to explore more jazz events around the world and connect with other people through music, especially jazz which develop the social interaction and chemistry among the musicians.

アジア招待アーティスト/Asia Guest Artists
Ravee Treesaksesakoon (Tr.)

2016年からは、ディキシーランド・ジャズバンド"The Jazzminions"のリードトランペット奏者として、ジャズフェスティバルやイベントなどで演奏活動をしている。

Born in Bangkok in 1993, he chose French horn as a member of the school band during his first grade of junior high school, at the same time that he started out on the trumpet.
In 2009, he began to specialize in the trumpet and jazz after performing at the Thailand International Jazz Conference, and enrolled in the College of Music, Mahidol University, with a major in jazz. He has performed with various big bands and ensembles as the lead and 2nd trumpet. In 2011, he performed in a big band in Germany, where he visited as an exchange student, and participated in many musical activities including the Frankfurt Youth Symphony Orchestra.
Apart from studying, he is currently involved in a wide range of activities, participating in many jazz and music camps, and performing for recordings of his own band (vee orleans) as well as in many events.
In 2016 until right now he still performs in a dixieland jazz band called "The Jazzminions" as a lead trumpet player in many events such as Salangerup Jazz Festival, famous Jazz bar in Copengehan, TIJC, New Orleans Jazz All Stars in Bangkok, etc.

Elena Sakai


Radio DJ, MC, Interpreter and Translator
Born as half Filipino and Japanese, Elena stayed in Canada and the U.S. till the age of 9.
She grew up listening to various kinds of music, from classic to western POP, and during her college years she also composed her own songs as a singer.
Recently she has started to take up bossa nova guitar lessons.